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Enhancing AdapteCCa throught the LIFE SHARA project

AdapteCCa is the national platform for the exchange of information on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

Its general goal is to reinforce the capacities of society and administrations in their climate change adaptation actions in accordance with the objectives of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC).

Specifically, the platform pursues to:

  • Present data, information and knowledge about impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in a relevant, accessible and easy way for the visitors and users of the platform. The long-term goal is to build a consistent and up-to-date knowledge database.
  • To become an open exchange instrument facilitating multidirectional communication and coordinated work between Spanish competent servers in the field of adaptation: Spanish administrations, scientific community, planners, public and private managers, etc.

Through the LIFE SHARA project, the platform will be greatly enhanced reinforcing the following aspects:

  1. Improvements in the quantity and quality of content: incorporation of new content and new applications of resources, inclusion of practical cases, improvement of the application of climate change scenarios, etc.
  2. Improvement of the structure of the platform and incorporation of new functionalities: improvements in the base of the search engine optimization, improvement in the interaction between the users, greater connection with other adaptation platforms, incorporation of discussion forums, incorporation of new features for remote meetings, webinars and online broadcast of events, among others.
  3. Promotion and dissemination of the Platform: through specific seminars to disseminate AdapteCCa and through the events of the project, we want to make AdapteCCa known to as many interested parties as possible.

How can you participate?

We want all these changes to be accompanied by a continuation of feedback from users to optimize the development of the platform. To do this, you can participate in the following ways:

  • Registering in AdapteCCa.
  • Filling in the surveys or queries that we will periodically send to registered users.
  • By contacting us or the AdapteCCa team at any time to provide suggestions, recommendations, identification of errors, etc.